Meet Clara Serrano — a Partner with Passion

I grew up on a goat dairy farm as the 15th of 16 children and large-family farm life prepared us all to be creative and resourceful! Consequently, I put myself through college at UW-Madison and graduated with a BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering. 

Next came a fast paced career in the microprocessor and personal computer industry where I led engineering teams in India, Europe, and Texas.

Mid-life, I started and ran an artisan chocolate business for 4 years. In this venture I lived the struggles and successes of entrepreneurship. Small businesses are indeed the lifeblood of local economies.

Alongside my business experience, my community service has involved volunteering in leadership roles with non-profits, personally mentoring youth, and providing Spanish language support for newcomers.

My in-laws were long-time Eau Clairians, and my husband, Chris Howard, grew up here. Chris and I have always prioritized family life, and we juggled our careers in partnership, while raising our 3 very active daughters. I understand the daily challenges of working families and their many needs!

In the past 5 years I have helped others run for elected office by managing campaigns, fundraising, and researching so they can participate in solving our many complex social and fiscal issues.

Now I will steer my passion and energy toward personally serving in city government here in Eau Claire — one of the top places to live in our nation — the City of Bridges!

Responsible Governance

My father-in-law used to welcome new immigrants in Eau Claire at their naturalization ceremonies, and would have them ask themselves:

• To what extent will I participate in better government, and will I reliably vote?

• Do I honor government service or do I ridicule it by constantly pointing out the defects of government?

• Do I sit on the sidelines with a "let someone else do it" attitude?

• Do I oversimplify the complicated problems of government and form hasty conclusions?

• Am I so wrapped up in my own interests that I overlook what is best for the community?

With these guiding questions in my mind, I will participate in our Eau Claire government focused on community, balanced growth, and sustainability.

Community Engagement

The sky's the limit, if we all bring our talents and skills to the task. This means inspiring our many public and private groups to work together for our city.

I will involve constituents, local experts, and business and social groups in this effort. I will bring YOUR needs and ideas to our city administration and council.

Balance Growth with City Stewardship

Employment, housing, and affordability are all strained by rapid growth! 

I am committed to collaborating and guiding Eau Claire through growth phases, ensuring that the city’s infrastructure and development is balanced, sustainable, and benefits all of our residents.

Sustainability and Safety

When we care for the most vulnerable we all benefit from a collective improvement in quality of life. 

I will be a voice for safeguarding the health of our environment and our residents with every decision. 

“Clara is smart and practical. She will connect with constituents, and I support her wholeheartedly.”

– Outgoing District 4 Council Member 

Jill Christopherson

Support and Donate

We need your help!

The heart of this campaign is powered by generous contributions from people like you who believe in our shared vision! Your donations are more than just financial support; they symbolize our collective dream for the city.  Each contribution, no matter its size, weaves into the larger fabric of community support we need for our outreach and initiatives. Your support is crucial because it's an investment in the progressive future we’re building together.

Click on the DONATE button below, or navigate to

Alternatively, send a check:

Payable to "Clara Serrano 4 Eau Claire"

P.O. Box 1366

Eau Claire, WI 54702

Contact Me

Have questions or comments? I'm always here to help. Contact me today:

Chris, Janet and me

   I appreciate your vote for City Council

April 2, 2024

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Paid for by Clara Serrano 4 Eau Claire, Christine Hambuch-Boyle, Treasurer

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